Hey, alright? I was bored! And I had this new book ... which talks about mode 18 and mode 19 - yes, that's right. Decimals. Yuk. Anyway, it more or less described how to use mode 12h. Maybe less. At least, I couldn't make head nor tail of it. But thanks to a little bit of help from that book and some more from F .. I find this hard to say ... FC's Assembly invite (as disassembled by VLA) .. I finally got this working. You think the rings are too densely packed? Do I care? Hmm ... this intro was caused by boredom ... it seems that everything I've released so far has had that up there as a reason. Wow, what have I released? fire ..... yes, I think I'll leave that at that ;) bounce ... a mini-ad for a bbs I no longer call :). The intro's not bad. a-ball ... first released with the Whisper Tai-Pan virus in it. whups 8-]. pacswim .. don't be surprised if you never saw this. It was uploaded to only Flick's bbs .. and that wasn't long before Flick died and Linespeed closed his old bbs. I'm just waiting for Twisted Soul to return and bring it back. intro2 ... err yes - I did the floor mapper in that, I'm afraid. Believe me when I say that I improved the code after intro2 was released =). Anyways ... I did begin a 4k intro for Oz'96 ... but the night before the train left I dcced it off to Icepick who told me it crashed - in a place I was sure it couldn't possibly have crashed. The next day, a few hours before the train left, I realised I was not going to add all the other bits to build it up from an uncompressed 2.5k .. and then debug it all. Haha. Maybe one day I will finish that and release it. For Coven? Unlikely. It's not a good 'tro. Where did the name Spanky come from? Don't ask me .. I merely used it. Fuck I'm sunburned .. Sunday was the first sunny day we've had in months, and of course, who was out in it for >8 hours? Oh well. Ciao. If you want to contact me to tell me not to bother releasing any more shitty intros .. or to ask just how blistered my nose _is_ .. or to find out who I really am ... or to comment on the weather .. or for a quick fuck .. email aspect@interzone.apana.org.au (I think?). I check it sometimes. My Suburbia address is still there, but until they fix the problems that seem to come one after another after another, I'm not gonna use it. so there. .. Aspect .. PS: Thanks to Wolverine for beta testing it and suggesting the music and the text loop slowdown. I have used (of course) RAD for the music. The time the text spends onscreen is now driven by the timer interrupt RAD requires. I also realised, shortly after talking to Wolverine, that it didn't look as trippy as it had before I added the text fades. Guess why? When I was changing palette entries 8..15, #6 also managed to get itself changed. Unbelievable. Mode 12h is one of those taboos coders never speak of. Now I know why. But having mastered it, I reckon I'll find a use for it. Someday =).